Free Domain Official eProcurement Publish Page | How ? Free Official Ad Page is Created.
Step 1
First of all, as the first step, we fill in the organization/institution or company information with the registration form and send it.
" with the link below "

Fill all the information in the form without missing. Your profile and ad page will be prepared for your free ad posting page according to the form information you have submitted, and you will be notified by email.
** You will not pay a fee for any transaction or published advertisement. This service is free of charge from the global tenders and bids company! is a service. Our aim is to provide an easy solution support for organizations, institutions and companies that want to convey their demands to the whole world. Companies or suppliers who want to view the ads can also access your ads for free.
Step 2
In the second stage, the " Profile Id number " that comes with the e-mail is important. Because it is your profile id number that you will use in the posting form and it will be used in every posting process.
According to the information you have sent with the registration form within 3 days, an official eprocurement announcement page will be created and notified by e-mail.
Step 3
In the third stage, you can now send your advertisements with the posting form.
" with the link below "

When you fill in the information in the form and click on the submit button, your ad will be published on your official ad page.
** Do not forget to use the profile id number sent to you before.
Step 4
So what does your ad page look like?
See the sample advertisement page with the link below
" with the link below "